Since the early nineties JB Hydroponics has been a worldwide supplier of various systems for strawberries. There are many methods for growing strawberries. With most systems bended trusses cause quality problems and loss of production. The JBH strawberry system solves all these problems. Bended trusses are history, production is increased and harvesting is easier. The system is economic, sophisticated and complete, with a drainwater discharge system, leaf support and truss support. The JBH system is applied outside a well as in greenhouses.

We can deliver the next systems:

JBH Steel systems:
JBH steel systems for strawberries are beautiful, durable systems that create an optimal growth for the crop. The JBH steel is supplied with an integrated leaf- and truss support, so that the crop has all the opportunities to develop in the best way possible. Our systems help you to achieve higher yields, prevent bended trusses, get a higher fruit quality and enable you to work more efficiently. The JBH systems consist of steel systems with a large drain channel or with two smaller drain channels. The gutters are rolled directly in the greenhouse or are supplied in transportable lengths.

A special JBH strawberry trough with a length of 60 cm. has been developed for an optimal growth.

JBH loose trough system

The loose trough system consists out of steel tubes on which the troughs are resting. Srawberry support tape makes sure you have a perfect truss support. This is a system without drainwater collection and therefore it is the most economical system. With this system you can pick your strawberries at any desired heigth. Of course also for this system the JBH strawberry trough can be used.

The 3 other systems consist out of a special polystyrene gutter, equipped with a drain system. The minileg system is a system on the ground, with polystyrene supports. Also with the steel support system and the hanging system you can pick your strawberries at any desired height . Along with the minileg system we can also supply a picking cart. This picking cart makes sure harvesting can be done sitting, without back problems.

Every system has its own advantages, however all systems have proven themselves worthy in practice. Naturally we can give advise what system would suit your situation best.

Other advantages:

Growing season starts earlier
Because of the good isolation of the gutters the growing season can start earlier in spring.

Lower substrate costs
A loose container can be put in the gutter. Using containers has the advantage of being able to use loose substrate, which is cheaper. The containers are steamable, so every new culture you can start as clean as possible. In stead of containers peat bales can also be used.

Simple inline-drip system
If containers are used, a simple inline-drip system can be applied. This drip system is cheaper, less sensitive for constipation and faster to place and clean up.


  • Very solid systems
  • Growing in troughs, pots or bales
  • Systems for growing inside or outside (with or without rain protection system)
  • With or without drainwater collection
  • Working at the ideal height
  • System suspended or on steel supports
  • Systems produced directly in the greenhouse
  • Integrated leaf- and truss supports
  • Simple inline drip irrigation can be used
  • Various sizes are possible
  • Tailor made suspension system

JBH Wing hangend systeem

JBH Wing minileg systeem

JBH Wing tablesysteem


For more infortmation you can always contact us

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